Call us:+358 44 4918371
Visit Us:Elimäenkatu 15, 00510 Helsinki, Finland

SERVICESPrice Packages

Your full-service lab for clinical trials. Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings.

Basic Care

Basic Health Check
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Liver Function Blood Test
  • Heart Disease Blood Tests
  • Cholesterol / Lipid Levels
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Male / Female General Health Panel
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Essential Care

Gold Health Check
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Liver Function Blood Test
  • Heart Disease Blood Tests
  • Cholesterol / Lipid Levels
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Male / Female General Health Panel
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Total Care

Platinum Health Check
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Liver Function Blood Test
  • Heart Disease Blood Tests
  • Cholesterol / Lipid Levels
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Male / Female General Health Panel
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel